
Environmentally friendly green plasticiser.

Environmentally friendly green plasticiser.

Globally it is around 7.5 millions tons of plasticisers are consumed every year,the low molecular weight type plasticisers such as DOP,BBP,accounted for 40% of global consumption,these are used widely in Asia,middle east,africa and latin American.

DOP and low molecular weight plasticisers are considered low toxicity,and high carcinogenic risk, Europe,USA,Australia ,Japan are already not using this in their PVC compounding espcially automotives,toys industries.

The trend are moving to phthalate free types of plasticisers,there are two routes to achieve this,one is fossil fuel ,another plant base.

SolGreen has a plant based ,green plasticiser and are currently investigating the viabality of manufacturing in Malaysia,if readers are keen to know more about our green plasticiser,please email to [email protected]